Monday, July 9, 2012

And we have moved...

It is bittersweet and I am a little melancholy, but we have moved out of our town home.  The first house Tim and I ever bought together, the home we brought Addy home to, and the place where we really started our lives as a family.  Our town home has been good to us and we loved living there, but sometimes life runs away from us and we have to make changes. 
As for our new rental home, so far so good.  We now have a backyard for Addy (already bought a water table) and the dogs to play in, a 2 car garage with lots of storage room, a third bedroom (for those of you who want to come visit!!), and a bigger kitchen.  Lots of positives!  And we are in a great neighborhood with a park right down the street.
To make the move even sweeter, Tim was transferred to a Trader Joe's that is less than a mile away.  He could literally walk to work (although he probably won't) and will no longer have to drive 20 minutes to and from work.  That is easily another 40 minutes a day Addy & I get to see him.  Not to mention this TJ's has better hours than his last store. 
Just a little update from us here in SD.  Once I find all of my cords and have some boxes unpacked, I will post pictures.  For now, enjoy the picture of the day.  They can help fill in the gaps of what we have been doing down here. :-) 

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