Sunday, May 23, 2010

Girls Day

My Aunt Nancy & I go to the same hairdresser and we have started making our appointments at the same time so one of us can watch Adelyn while the other is getting her hair done.  This past Saturday my aunt also had her two grandchildren, Madison & Taylor.  Since the adults outnumbered the kids, my mom volunteered to come down with us as the official babysitter.  So we had an official Girls Day.  Madison & Taylor had a great time playing with Aunt Patty.  They walked around the planters.

Poured water on their heads.  Posed for pictures.
All while my baby girl watched  and thought to herself, what are those girls doin'?

Madison even got her hair trimmed too!

And the rest of us watched on.

For being so good, Aunt Nancy told the girls they could have ice cream with lunch.  There was a Soup Plantation near by, so we headed on over.  All three girls were fed and ready for a nice nap.   A fun girls day!

1 comment:

Alison said...

So cute! Adelyn is going to love playing with her girl cousins when she gets older!