Sunday, November 28, 2010

First Movie

I am a bit behind in blogging, so I am going to slowly try to catch up.

A couple of weeks ago my cousin, Cyndy, decided to take her two girls to the Saturday morning kids' matinee to see a Care Bears movie.  She invited all of us to go (my mom, Renee, her boys, Aunt Nancy, and Andrea) and we decided to go see the Care Bears too.  I was a little nervous that Addy wouldn't sit through the whole 67 minutes, but she did just fine with a bottle and the ability to move between G-ma and me. :-)

The best picture of Addy in her big girl seat:

Madison also made sure everyone was supplied with their own Care Bear.  We had a great time and it is always fun to see Addy interact with her "big" cousins.

1 comment:

Tish said...

She looks so cute in that big seat! I love this picture :)