Saturday, February 18, 2012

Better Mom

Yesterday Addy and I spent the day at the Urgent Care.  Not the best time I ever had, but a day I will never forget.  Tim and I have been very lucky that Addy has been a healthy child.  In her short life she really has not been sick.  A few sniffles here and there but no real sickness until vomiting this week.  Even when she has been throwing up, it has not been projectile.  And no, I have not taken this healthy child for granted.  I know I am super lucky.
Back to yesterday.  On Thursday night I was up with Addy all night.  After 48+ hours of vomiting she could not hold anything down and she became less responsive when I talked to her.  When we got to Urgent Care, Addy was dehydrated, her blood sugar and electrolytes were very low, so they started Addy an IV.  Sounds pretty easy right???  Think again.  We had a nurse who was obviously not used to working with children, much less a child who was only 2.  No bedside manner.  And she was horrible at finding Addy's already small and then dehydrated veins.  Think Addy was okay with being poked?  Nope...and she even pulled one of the IVs out and I got splattered with some blood.  Yup, fun times.
Once the IV was in and nurse left, Addy & I were left alone and I could not help but pray that my baby girl would be okay.  I am sure I am not the first mom to make such requests and it probably won't even be my last time praying for such things, but it was something new for me.  I just felt helpless that I could not do anything to make my baby girl feel better.  It was a horrible feeling...but it made me a better mom.  It reminded me that I am just Addy's mom and I am not going to be able to make everything better all of the time. Sometimes I will have to rely on doctors, other times I am going to have to let Addy figure things out for herself.  Hard lesson for me to learn, and in a heart wrenching way, but definitely a necessary lesson.  Just surprising that it took me two years to figure it out.
Tomorrow we are onto bigger and happier celebrating Addy's 2nd birthday!

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