Saturday, November 10, 2012

Halloween 2012

This year Addy fully understood Halloween.  She knew she got to dress up, there was candy involved, and that when you knocked on a door that you said "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you."  She was ready for several weeks prior to actual Halloween.  To say Addy was excited would be an understatement, she was ecstatic.  So when we were shopping at good ole Costco and she spotted an Ariel dress, could I stop her from being Ariel?  Nope.  I was outvoted by Addy and Tim.  So we had a full blown princess (with "princess" shoes even-Thank you Payless Shoes!) on our hands. 
Addy spent the day with my mom and Alison and we met up at my grandparents for some enchiladas and trick or treating.  It has become a tradition to go there first, and it was great practice before the real deal later on.  Of course, seeing our cousins is another treat of going to G & G's.

 After we were done visiting we came home to trick or treat in our new neighborhood. So much more happening than our old neighborhood and so fun to see everyone having so much fun.  Addy was having fun too, until....
we walked up to a house that had a motion sensor giant spider. That jumped out of bushes and right at us.  
Not good for me (who is scared of spiders) and not good for Addy who is scared of most bugs. 
In our effort to run away, her crown fell off, and I stepped on it.  All the while my mom, Alison, and Tim laughed from the street.  
Of course, Addy immediately asked to go home.  I knew of a few "safe" houses that I made her visit first, but my poor baby was so sad.  She still mentions the big spider and even points to the house when we drive by.  Poor girl. :-(  Hopefully next year she will still want to go trick or treating.  
Despite our drama, Addy was still willing to pose with her loot and forced a smile onto her beautiful face. 

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