Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Best Trip of 2009

Tim and I have been really lucky to have traveled quite a bit this past year.  We have been to Las Vegas (several times), Arizona, Australia, Northern California (a couple of times), Mexico, Santa Barbara, Vermont, and there are probably more that I am forgetting.  All of the trips were filled with special moments, but I would have to say the best trip of 2009 was our Australia trip.
Since we have been married ,Tim and I have really tried to take at least one "big" trip a year with every other year being a "really big" trip that requires airline tickets and extensive planning.  This year was a "really big" year and for the first time, we both traveled somewhere that required us to get passports and learn about "foreign" customs.  Australia was so diverse and beautiful that I will always treasure the moments we had in Australia, even the frustrating car rides and bland food. 
Australia was very much like the United States, but we still learned a lot about the vibe of the different cities and about the culture of Australians.  We also learned we can handle 18 hour flights and navigating roads, despite being on the "wrong" side of the road.  We learned Australian's don't drink high alcohol beer, but drink lots of fancy hot chocolate.  Australia may be known for Uggs outside of the states, but you are lucky if you can find a pair of "real" Uggs in Australia.  Sydney was beautiful, Melbourne was eclectic and pretentious, and Brisbane was an odd mixture of people.
But it was still fabulous:


Tim in Port Macquarie

Me, putting my feet in the South Pacific Ocean

At the National Zoo, where kangas are uncaged.

Koko Black in Canberra

It was just great to escape for a few weeks and explore a new country.
So, what was your best trip of 2009?


Cyndy said...

Hmmm... our best trip... even though it had it's low points, LOL!, I'd have to say Yosemite was our best trip. It was beautiful, gorgeous and fabulous to explore a part of the US that I had never been to. (Hope I don't have to eat those words later!) : )

Alana said...

And was it your first family vacation (other than visiting family)? Yosemite is definitely on my bucket list of things to do. Maybe someday. :-)