Friday, July 9, 2010

Miss Independent

Adelyn has become quite independent over the last couple of weeks.  She wants to sit on her own, she wants to hold her own bottle, feed herself, putting in her own binky, and she wants to grab everything herself without us giving it to her, even if it means falling over in the process.

 Sitting on her own in the glider
Holding her own bottle
Putting her own binky in

She has also started grabbing everything in site and shoving it in her mouth, even the germ filled Southwest magazine on the plane. Ewww...
This is actually a picture of the GQ Daddy was can't see her hand behind the magazine pushing it towards her face.

While I always kind of guessed any baby of mine would be independent, I don't think I expected to see signs of that already.  And I must say, if she is already this independent (I guess you could also say stubborn), Tim and I might be in for some trouble.  I guess we will just have to wait and see! :-)

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